Practice Areas
SLKB specialises in the following areas of law:

Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”)
ADR refers to the means of resolving or settling a dispute without either party having to resort to litigation. In most instances, ADR entails utilising the methods of mediation, conciliation or arbitration to resolve or settle the dispute.

Arbitration Practice
Arbitration is the process by which parties to a dispute are, with the approval and encouragement of the law, enabled to arrange for taking and abiding by the judgment of a selected person or persons instead of the courts of justice.

Criminal Law
Criminal Law is a branch of public law that governs the relationship between the State as an authoritative power and the subjects of the State.

Contract Law
Drafting and giving advice on a variety of commercial transactions and all related contracts such as sale agreements, lease agreements, shareholders agreements, distribution agreements, cessions, agreements pertaining to security, and other commercial contracts.

Construction Law
Construction Law is part of the law of contract, which deals with the letting and hiring of a piece of work and is a specialised field as standard form contracts such as FIDIC, CGG, JBCC, ECC, and NEC are generally used.

Family Law
Family law involves both mediation and divorce litigation. SLKB Inc assists in mediating family disputes and divorce litigation where mediation fails or is not possible.

German Law
The laws and the legal system in Germany are substantively different from the laws and legal system in South Africa. SLKB Inc., being at home in both jurisdictions, can provide solutions for problems originating from these differences.

Intellectual Property
Intellectual property law involves copyrights as well as the registration and protection of trademarks and patents. With the assistance of consultants, SLKB Inc. is able to assist with both trademark and patent registrations as well as litigation to protect registered trademarks and patents.

Commercial Law
Corporate and commercial law services include transactional and regulatory services as well as the giving of advice with regard to the sale of shares, sale of business and assets agreements, and advice on the most suitable form of business enterprise (including companies, trusts, and partnerships) for a specific transaction, advice on regulatory implications pertaining to mergers, acquisitions, and takeovers and competition law as well as performing legal due diligence investigations and reporting thereon.

Labour Law
Labour law encompasses the body of rules governing the employer-employee relationship, including individual employment contracts, common law, and a large amount of statutory regulation on issues such as the right to establish and negotiate collective bargaining agreements, protection from discrimination, remuneration and hours, and health and safety. We offer advice and support mainly to employers with regards to drafting employment contracts, employment policies, employment equity, employee discipline (including conducting disciplinary inquiries, chairing and initiating inquiries), dismissals, retrenchments, transfers of employees, and assisting with any matters referred to a bargaining council, the CCMA, Labour Court and Labour Appeal Court.

Litigation involves the resolving of disputes within the court system. SLKB Inc specialises in Magistrate’s Court, Regional Court, and High Court litigation.

Liquidation is the process by which a company is brought to an end and the assets and property of the company are redistributed amongst creditors. SLKB Inc specialises in insolvency litigation and the winding up of companies.

A notary public is required to prepare and attest certain specialised legal documents such as notarial bonds, cessions of real rights and antenuptial contracts. Furthermore, notary is seen as occupying one of the highest offices of trust and can accordingly prepare and witness certain specialised documents for use locally as well as internationally. We offer all notarial services, including the drafting and witnessing of notarial contracts as well as the authenticating of documents and signatures. Our notary is furthermore fluent in German and can therefore also assist in preparing various declarations in the German language, which are generally acceptable in the Germany.

Wills & Administration of Estates
The drafting of a will is the first step in ordering your affairs for what happens when you pass away. SLKB Inc. will assist you in that, and also your descendants and/or heirs to administer and distribute your assets after you have passed away.

Private International Law
Private international law or conflict of laws (both terms are used interchangeably) concerns relations across different legal jurisdictions between persons, and sometimes companies, corporations, and other legal entities. We at SLKB inc specialise in explaining possible conflicts to you, and in providing tailor-made solutions.

Property Law & Conveyancing
Property law covers the rules regulating the relationship between persons and property. South African law roughly differentiates between the immovable property (land, real estate, farms, houses), movable corporeal property (any property with a physical existence that does not attach to land), and incorporeal property (made of rights and duties such as shares, copyrights, certain types of security). We offer advice and assistance pertaining to property law including but not limited to acquisitions and development of the property, transfer of properties, registration of mortgage and notarial bonds creating real security for the creditor, registration of servitudes, and opening of Section Title Registers.
In addition to the above, SLKB Inc. has strong, close links with external specialists in various fields.